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BIO 3366 Genetics 




For BIO 3366 (Genetics), I did an oral presentation on the genetic disorder Blue Diaper Syndrome, which is a rare, genetic metabolic disorder caused by mutations in the LAT2 and TAT1 genes.  Intestinal bacteria break down large amounts of tryptophan that are not properly absorbed by the body. Tryptophan is converted to indole which is then broken down into indican. When exposed to air, indican converts into indigo blue, giving urine a distinctive blue color.  BDS is an autosomal or X-linked recessive trait and there are currently no gene therapies or cures.

Learning about genetic disorders was very interesting and learned a lot in this course.  I  thoroughly enjoyePresenting was a little intimidating, but stepping outside of a comfort zone is a great way to grow and allows us to 

Blue Diaper Syndrome

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